Magoroto Moto-Camping Expedition
Allowed Bikes: STRICTLY ADV Bikes
Bring your bike and lets go off-road!
- 300Km of off-road riding
- 2,000m of ascending through the Usambaras
- Adrenaline Rush as we ride on the edge of the Usambaras
- Exploring the Usambaras from East to West through unchartered roads
About Magoroto Moto Camping Expedition
Magoroto Forest Estate is a tropical rainforest located in the Eastern Usambara Mountains and lies at an altitude of about 800masl. It forms part of the Biodiversity Hotspots of the Eastern Arc Mountains and is designated as an Important Bird Area. Magoroto Forest Estate offers a range of outdoor activities and a unique campground around the Magoroto Mountain Lake.
The Usambara Mountains are split between the East and West. Western Usambara Mountains lie at a higher altitude between 1,500- 2,000 masl while the East are in the windward side facing the Indian ocean at a slightly lesser altitude between 600 – 1,300 masl.
The East and West Usambara are very popular for their touristic attractions. The green nature, diverse flora and fauna, cool weather, waterfalls, view points and a variety of hiking and mountain biking trails are among key attractions.
The two Mountain ranges (East and West Usambara) are connected via remote unchartered roads rarely travelled. Many parts of the Usambaras remain unexplored due to inaccessibility.
The Magoroto Moto Camping Expedition aims to go beyond the norm and into the unchartered trails exploring the East and West Usambara Mountains. The Journey shall commence at Magoroto Forest Estate and through Amani, Old Korogwe, Nilo Reserve towards Lushoto. The expedition will extend to Magamba Forest. The Magoroto Moto Camping Expedition gives a unique fuse between the adrenalin rush of Off-road riding and Travelling. It’s a perfect off-road Trail for ADV Bikers.